August 07, 2006

The Beat that My Heart Skipped

De battre mon coeur s'est arrĂȘtĂ©: berkisah tentang Thomas, pria berusia 28 tahun yang mudah naik darah. ia menjalani hidupnya di dalam dunia real estate, mengikuti jejak ayahnya, bersama dengan kedua rekannya. kerap kali ia harus menggunakan cara-cara kotor maupun kekerasan di dalam menjalankan pekerjaannya sehari-hari. dalam kehidupan yang berjalan dengan cepat, ia banyak dihadapkan dengan masalah; ayahnya yang sering memintanya menyelesaikan segala masalahnya, kemudian ia juga ingin menikah lagi setelah sekian lama kehilangan istrinya, rekannya yang bertindak tidak sesuai dengan kesepakatan, belum lagi ia diminta untuk menutupi perselingkuhan rekan kerjanya, agar tidak diketahui oleh istrinya.

tanpa diduga ia menemukan kembali hidupnya dalam permainan piano, yang telah ia tinggalkan 10 tahun yang lalu. ia menemukan gairah dalam permainan piano, sama seperti ibunya yang telah meninggal. ia bertemu dengan pelatih piano ibunya yang bersedia untuk memberikan kesempatan baginya untuk menjadi seorang pianis.

kemudian ia mencari seorang pelatih piano, seorang wanita chinese yang hanya dapat berbahasa mandarin. ia memulai hidup dalam dua dunia, dunia kekerasan dan piano, dimana suatu saat ia harus menjatuhkan pilihannya.
yang menarik:
- berbagai masalah dalam hidupnya yang menuntut penyelesaian
- rumus yang sama untuk membuat suatu film menjadi lebih menarik:
perselingkuhan-cinta-balas dendam? :D
- pilihan hidup: antara hidup
- komunikasi murid-guru melalui alunan piano
- tidak terlalu banyak basa-basi
- jalan cerita yang tidak terlalu dibuat-buat, logic
- ending.. cukup menarik :)

lebih lengkap dooong!!!


At August 07, 2006 8:37 PM, Blogger lastlifeinmyuniverse said...

thomas agak mirip enrique ya cuma nggak ada tai lalat. did i spelled that right ? haha. atau mata gue yang rusak ... kiddin :)

but okay ill check the film out.

At August 08, 2006 12:37 AM, Blogger hengky said...

lol, you had/have(?) spelled it perfect.. :D
ya, sekilas mirip. mata loe nggak rusak kok.
you took art in us, am i right? i ve seen your drawing "a dream", what a strange dream, everytime i remember it, i feel afraid.. uneasy? :|

btw, since you are teaching english, could you help me with my english? please? :)

At August 08, 2006 6:26 PM, Blogger merapuman said...

Hello, i just found out from technorati that u link to me, thanks.

I will link back to you too.

At August 08, 2006 7:29 PM, Blogger lastlifeinmyuniverse said...

lol gue nggak perna belajar lukisan (i KNOW i mispelled something here... or my grammar or something). not once in my entire life. if anything, i need lessons from you guys ! and of course ill teach you english :) gue sebelum kerja di singapur pernah ngajar di EF dan EIA.

"you had/have(?) spelled it perfect".. you can say, "you spelled it perfectly" or "you have spelled it perfectly"

my indonesian SUCKS. bantu gue dong !!! XD

At August 08, 2006 10:48 PM, Blogger hengky said...

@merapuman; you had a great blog.. its always fun for me to see/read your post :D

@lastlife; "gue nggak perna belajar lukisan".. maybe you can say,"gue nggak pernah belajar menggambar (draw)/melukis (paint)
tapi gambar loe bagus kok! apalagi semakin lama semakin jelas makna dan garis2nya juga semakin tegas :) gue juga sudah lama nggak pernah menggambar kok

i saw some of your friend's blog, most of them are an artist! and they're really good! you can learn a lot from them! so, what course(?) did you take in US?

but at least you KNOW that you mispelled somewhere! because i never KNOW where i make mistakes..

bahasa indonesia jauh lebih mudah dibandingkan bahasa lainnya, loe pasti bisa menguasai dengan cepat! apalagi gue pernah baca blog loe, kalau dulunya pernah jadi pengajar di EF. belajar bahasa pasti jadi jauh lebih mudah :D

just before you agree to teach me, you have to know that im a dunce
gue pasti bantu elo kok :)

At August 08, 2006 11:22 PM, Blogger lastlifeinmyuniverse said...

hehe lucu banget loe.

OHHHHH ive always thought lukisan = art. oops ! okay then. yes. menggambar and melukis. thank you for teaching me !

i took finance and international business there. nothing to do with art. haha.

thats exactly what everyone tells me. that indonesian is far easier. tapi nggak tahu kenapa, untuk saya, sulit banget :P apa lagi sekarang. pasti sudah nggak ada kesempetan latihan bahasa indonesia. mati gue. :P

terimah kasih guru !

At August 09, 2006 12:03 AM, Blogger hengky said...

lucu? why.. what!? really!? why..
*nggak usah ditanggapi*

hehe.. ya, lukisan dan gambar termasuk ke dalam art, sometimes. im happy, people like you draws to express your feeling, mood, thats why you can't live without your sketchbook.. ;)

yes, i just read your occupation as financial ANALyst.. aha! before i read it, i think you r still teaching english an become an artist in your free time! heheh

thats true! in indonesian theres no simple present, past, perfect, blabla
im already had an stomach ache just to find the right word! oh my..
and why they called it simple? because i never feel it simple :(

lol, i dont know, but for me, its enough to make me understand! and also you ve already use slang(?) for chit chat in indonesian! dont laugh please..
hey! my student here is great! gue tahu kapan loe bercanda dan kapan loe serius. lagipula kesempatan itu selalu ada kok!
deb, you have to help me! please.. im hopeless :( and.. what should i call you?

ps: how long you have been lived in indonesia before moved to singapore?

i know, you as an english teacher can found mistakes ive been made in every sentence. call me stupid, but can you improve my english? okay, you also can laugh..

At August 09, 2006 7:33 AM, Blogger lastlifeinmyuniverse said...

aduh hengky. lol. jusru gua cuman bisa bahasa pasaran. kasihan gue. and nooo i wasnt laughin at you. i was laughin at myself. and besides, i NEVER laugh at my students. i know how it feels to make grammatical or spelling errors.

call me debbie :D

oh... i left indonesia when i was 4. and then after college, i lived there for 2 years. so collectively, only 6 years. i only spent 6 years in indonesia. thats why my indo SUCKS. plus the fact that i refuse to speak the language. waktu aku pake bahasa indonesia, orang2 selalu lihatin gue karena gua ada logat. kaya orang asing. sebel gue. >:|

At August 09, 2006 11:53 AM, Blogger hengky said...

lol.. you lived in indonesia just for 6 years! no wonder your bahasa "agak kaku", but still good enough to communicate! you are also a good teacher! :)

i know the feeling when everybody gazing at you strangely, because i will also feel the same when im going there and forced to speak english, i cant speak chinese :P

btw, you know the-must-seen-places-in-singapore, right? im going to visit my friend there , and im already started my list for the places i should see :)

ah, okay, i will call you debbie. miss.. or..missus (?)? when will our first lesson started?

just mention, you are posting from your office? :D

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